Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS)
Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS)
- Also known as intraductal carcinoma
- Non-invasive breast cancer
- Abnormal cells have not spread through the ducts into surrounding breast tissue
- Has not yet spread outside of breast
- May become invasive breast cancer

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), solid type. The cells are larger than in LCIS and are filling the ductal rather than the lobular spaces. However, the cells are contained within the basement membrane of the duct and do not invade the breast stroma.
DCIS is more morphologically heterogeneous than LCIS, and pathologists recognize four broad types of DCIS: papillary, cribriform, solid, and comedo.
For more detailed coverage of DCIS you may want to read:Boyages, J. (2014). DCIS of the Breast: Taking Control. Beecroft, NSW: BC Publishing.